Who is God? Creator
The intricate beauty of a tiny snowflake. The majesty of a sunrise. The light in the eyes of a loved one. The multicolored sweep of clouds. The sound of laughter filling a room. The glowing stars in a deep midnight blue sky.
God speaks and it happens
Chapter 1 of the book of Genesis documents God creating the world. In a quick 31 verse chapter, the creation of everything from the sun to humans is documented. It’s a short chapter that can cause us to miss the miracle of creation. To allow us to barely glance at what God created and take it for granted every day.
One aspect of this chapter we shouldn’t overlook is God speaking and the world responding. If God says something will happen it will happen.
“And that is what happened” is written 6 times in Chapter 1 of Genesis. God spoke to separate the sky from the earth - “And that is what happened.” God declared the movement of the water into oceans to create dry land and grow vegetation - “And that is what happened.” God said there needed to be light and created the sun, moon, and stars to mark the seasons, days, and years - “And that is what happened.” God spoke the oceans to life and filled the skies with birds - “And that is what happened.” God filled the earth with animals and created humans to govern them - “And that is what happened.” God looked over all the wonderful things He created and gave them life to multiply - “And that is what happened.”
God decided the world needed one of me and one of you - “And that is what happened.” Pretty amazing! He didn’t just create us to look like Him. He created us to continue moving His vision of love in the world forward.
God created us in His own image
God is our creator. He created us in His own image so we are also creators. He lives in us and entrusted us with talents to continue the work He started.
The Lightmaker’s Manifesto by Karen Walrond (a great book if you have a chance to read it) discusses how God gives each of us our own special gifts in life. The purpose of these gifts is to show the world love. These gifts are entrusted to us to continue to improve on God’s creation. To make the world brighter, better, and more connected.
That is the true meaning of life. Using our gifts to make the world a better place shows us how we were created in God’s image.
God created us for good
I want to change the world. I know, that’s a lofty goal. I don’t really know how I’m going to do that. But I do know I want to be a part of the much-needed change. I know I want to make a positive impact on others.
To do that I have to utilize the gifts God has given me. One of those gifts is my compassion for others. Another is the joy I get from encouraging people through my writing. These gifts push me to want to create positive change in the world. To bring light and love to our brokenness just like God created me to do.
God’s creation speaks to us
I spent time in God’s creation to figure out this information. It can be tough to get outside and spend time in the quiet. So many easily accessible distractions and cold winter temperatures that make me want to stay inside under a warm blanket. I find myself able to connect with God easiest when I’m outside. Connected to the awe-inspiring world He created.
I breathe deep and recognize how my lungs resemble the trees around me. God created us both to take in the air. I look at the stars and understand my brain lights up just like the rest of the universe. God created us both to shine out of the darkness.
As I breathe in and out, the thought of how a small seed blossoms into a beautiful flower comes into my mind. A clear message emerges: every single one of us is created with the ability to bloom into a beautiful flower. All we have to do is use our gifts.
Something I learned from Mel Robbins’ book The High 5 Habit, was to look for naturally occurring hearts all around you. Wherever you go, focus on finding hearts and feel the love our Creator is sending to us at that moment. I’ve been doing this for about two months and it’s a reminder of who God is and how much He loves me, especially on days I don’t feel much love from this broken world. I suggest you give it a try.
Our Creator shows us how miraculous each one of us is. Just look around. Feel the amazement. Feel the love of your Creator all around you. Feel the love of your Creator inside of you. Now, take that love and use it to love others. Let God’s love as our creator overflow out of your heart and wash over the people around you.
Who has God created you to be? What gifts has He given you?
The realization that God created each one of us with a purpose and gifts is miraculous. Spend time connecting with God, your Creator, to strengthen your faith.