Who is God? Living as a known child of our Heavenly Father

A good father. We all have an idea of what makes a good father even if we all aren’t lucky enough to have one in this broken world (thankfully I am). Compassionate, caring, fun, always there for you, and maybe even a little crazy.

The dictionary definition of father is “a man in relation to his child or children.” That word relation is an important one. It means to have a connection with one another. A binding of the heart. An ability to know the other person.

Our Heavenly Father longs to have a relationship with us. To give us His love, the things we need, and be a guide in how we live.

“And I will be your Father, and you will be my sons and daughters,” says the Lord Almighty. 2 Corinthians 6:18

A Father’s Love

See how very much our Father loves us, for he calls us his children, and that is what we are. 1 John 3:1

There have been times in my life when I have felt unlovable. Falling short of the life I was meant to live. Unsure how to climb up from rock bottom. Feeling defeated. Nothing I did on my own could relieve that feeling of being broken deep inside.

Then one day I took a chance. Little did I know that chance would be on love. I just thought I was accepting an invitation from a friend to attend a church service. I didn’t know what I was looking for, but I knew I didn’t want to feel broken inside anymore.

I don’t remember the message that was taught that day. I don’t remember who I talked to or interacted with. What I do remember is feeling an overwhelming sense of being loved flowing into me. That feeling poured into me so much that I couldn’t stop the tears from flowing out of my eyes and washing me clean.

That moment changed my life. Feeling my Heavenly Father’s love and a sense of forgiveness is a moment that I will never forget. It’s a moment I revisit often when I feel like I’m straying from God’s path or notice I’m feeling unloved because I’m looking for validation from the outside world.

When it comes to our Heavenly Father, He is love and He loves us. No matter how broken we are.


From Doubt to Freedom

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God gives us what we need

Don’t be like them for your Father knows exactly what you need even before you ask him. Matthew 6:8

Living in the Northeast this winter has meant a lot of ice falling from the sky. Even with ice all over the place, the sun was out and that meant it was a good day for a walk. You’ve got to take the sunshine when you can get it during the winter!

While we were walking it was difficult to look around when worried about falling on the ice. Isn’t that how most of us live our lives? We spend so much time focused on our worries that we forget to look around. We become hyper-focused on a problem, issue, or worry that God takes a back seat to our lives.

I spent our entire walk outside looking at the ground. Focusing on keeping my balance and not falling. I missed the beauty of winter that was all around me. The sparkle of ice in the trees. The feeling of the sun (finally!) on my face.

When focused on the beauty around me, it doesn’t matter if I fall. I can get right back up. I know I’m strong enough to get back up and finish the walk. It will hurt for a bit (probably a bit longer than it used to, haha), but I can do it. I’ve done it before. I’ve fallen flat on my face in life. It hurts. It makes me question a lot of things. It causes anger and even worry.

But I’ve gotten back up and recovered every time. Sometimes I fall and laugh. Sometimes I fall and get angry. Sometimes I fall hard and worry there won’t be another chance. The point is -  I fall. We all fall. We live in a broken world so falling is inevitable. We spend so much time trying not to fall that we miss the lessons that come from it.

We miss how God has caught us. We miss how His grace has given us a second (or fiftieth or a hundredth or a millionth) chance. We miss the lesson He wants to give us so we can look behind us and help the next person who is struggling. We miss the beauty that’s around us when we focus on doing our best not to fall. There is no failure in falling. The only failure is in giving up.

If I fall on the ice while walking, I don’t think, “I should just lay here because I’m a failure at walking.” Usually, I get up as quickly as possible because it’s COLD. I’m a wimp when it comes to the cold. Second, I want to get up so I can brush off the snow because being wet in the winter is no fun. Third, I want to get up so I can get home and relay the funny story to others after I make sure I didn’t embarrass myself in front of other people.

But sometimes, when I fall, I want to stay down. Just lie there and feel sorry for myself. Let those “poor, poor, pitiful me” thoughts run rampant through my head. Feeling sorry for myself can last a short time or drag out a lot longer. I’m far from being a professional at getting back up, but I’ve learned from the consequences of life.

I would have much rather looked at the beautiful scenery of my walk than the dirty, muddy, ground on constant alert for icy patches. I have no control over the icy patches. Sometimes I can’t even see the icy patches because they are completely clear. However, I do know they will come. I will fall. Where I turn when I fall depends on my choices.

Do I blame myself for the fall? Do I blame the ice for the fall? Do I even blame God for the fall? Or do I see it as a learning opportunity?

I’ve been learning about providing natural consequences for our child as he learns and grows. Not an easy feat, by the way. God does the same. He provides natural consequences that can give us a “Hmm…maybe I need to think about this” moment. Am I relying on God or myself? Am I following His path or the one I think I should be on? Am I spending too much time worrying about ice instead of enjoying the blessings around me? Am I so inside myself that I’m not generous with others? Those falls give us an opportunity to adjust how we are living if we are open to the lessons God is providing us.


He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us. 2 Corinthians 1:4

I never in a million years would have thought I could be grateful for my first marriage failing. To be left with an 18-month-old child. To become a single parent. To take on all the pain that comes with not feeling good enough for someone. To hurt so bad it was a struggle to get out of bed in the morning.

Those moments can be brought to God and the dots of His plan can be connected. Without that pain, I never would have learned to love myself so I didn’t have to rely on someone else to love me. Without that trauma, I never would have developed such a close relationship with my son. Without that difficulty, I never would have relied on my family for support as much as I did. Without that struggle, I never would have learned to rely on God for the things that I needed.

It brought me around to a place where I have become a better spouse, a better parent, and a kinder person. It allowed me to connect with people I never would have been able to because I could empathize with those going through the same thing. Nothing we have been through is ever wasted.

We all have opportunities to use the lessons (even if they are hard-earned) to help others. That ice is slippery and it gets everyone. The good news is, we aren’t the only ones laying on our backs trying to catch our breath and deciding if we want to stay down or get back up again. Get up anyway.


The importance of disciple and submission

The Lord is like a father to his children, tender and compassionate to those who fear him. Psalms 103:13

That fear word in the Bible has always been something I’ve struggled with. Until I finally understood that it didn’t mean to cower in fear of our loving Heavenly Father. To hide or run away from Him. It actually means to be obedient and submissive to Him. I don’t need to be afraid of God, because He loves me and chooses me. What I do need to do is be obedient and submit to the life God wants me to live. Be obedient in taking steps to become more like Him. To submit to His will and His plans for my life.

There have definitely been times in my life when I have deserved to be abandoned by God. When I wouldn’t have blamed Him for washing His hands of me in frustration. Stubborn, fearful, and too concerned about what other people think. Not the greatest combination for obedience and submission.

With a grateful heart, I get more opportunities to grow and evolve into the person God created me to be. Fearless, obedient, and focused on Him. Through these opportunities, He shows me He’s the perfect father. Never giving up on me. Always waiting on me to come back to Him with open arms. Giving me those new opportunities to grow in my faith even if I’ve messed up before. Leading me with compassion.

For the Lord corrects those he loves, just as a father corrects a child in whom he delights. Proverbs 3:12


Our response to who God is as a Father

My response is to love as He does. My response is to keep moving forward.

But I also benefit from having a Heavenly Father who sees me completely. Through the walking away, straying from the path, sinning, and falling short He sees me. The whole of everything I am. The good. The bad. Everything in between.

I stood in front of my mirror today, looked into my eyes, and knew deep, deep, deep down in my heart and soul that God loves me unconditionally. No matter what. It’s a feeling I’m struggling to explain in words. It’s even more than joy and just as simple as knowing. A feeling that washes over me and makes me realize I can do anything. Even if I can’t explain that feeling well, I do know 100% is my prayer for you is to feel that feeling every day of your life like I do.

Go find a mirror, look into your eyes, and know.


What is your response to God being our perfect Father? Do you feel truly known by Him every day?




Who is God? Creator